How to get Overachiever title in PUBG MOBILE?
At this point where PUBG mobile has gained the most popular across the world, there are many players who want to achieve some great titles such as overachiever, collector & many more. So here is a guide for the Overachiever title.
To take the title of Overachiever, soldiers will have to complete 2800 achievement points at PUBG Mobile.
Player has to accomplish assigned missions to take these points. It is one of the easiest title that
one can achieve. You don’t even have to buy Royal Pass for it. Some title such as Collector take
too much time to complete. It is nothing but a show-off.
Beside this completing achievements provides attractive rewards. To check your achievement
points, click on the mission tab, then you can check your achievement points. You can also check
your achievement progress divided as Glorious Moments, Honor, Progress, Items, etc.
PUBG Missions that can be easily completed :-
1. Critic
2. Graffiti Artist
3. Shopaholic
4. Soldier Supplies
5. Lots of Friends
6. Enlisted
7. Social Butterfly
8. Fun Times
9. Classic Lover
10. Desert Tourist

Well said
Great thing sirji
Good suggestion ?
Nice one man