How to get Conqueror PUBG Mobile title

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Conqueror PUBG Mobile

Conqueror PUBG Mobile title is one of the most popular titles that are available on Pubg Mobile including weapon master, Overachiever, etc.

PUBG Conqueror players are the top players of any specific region. Every PUBG player wishes to get the conqueror title in any of the seasons.

If you also want to achieve the conqueror title in Pubg mobile then this article will help you to reach in conqueror tier and grab your conqueror PUBG title. ASAP!

Firstly, it all depends upon the player’s dedications as well as the patience level that he/she will apply in order to achieve any of the titles in-game or in real life.

Here are a few top tips that will help you in becoming a PUBG Conqueror player

  • Choose your teammates wisely

Selecting proper teammates is essential for reaching Conqueror. Co-ordination plays a major role in rank pushing in Pubg Mobile.

Note: Players who thrive for kills and loot are useless for the squad to reach conqueror.

  • Mode of Play

You have to know in which mode you wanna push rank i.e Solo, duo and Squad.

Many players choose duo mode for Rank pushing in Pubg mobile which is quite a great decision as it increase mortality in game.

Go for Squad only when you have a good co-ordination with all teammates. You should know each other’s strength and weakness.          

  • Choose your preferred server

Sometimes choosing the right server also helps you to give better access to the Conqueror tier. You can choose from any of the servers that are available in PUBG mobile namely Asia server, KRJP server, Europe server, North America, and South America server, Middle east server. Among all the servers listed Asia Server is considered as the toughest server for rank pushing.

  • Choosing the Right Map

Choose your Map wisely, as there five different maps in which Erangle and livik are most preferred among players, and Shanok, Vikandi, and Miramar are least played Maps. For reaching the Conqueror tier we would recommend you go with Erangle and Miramar. As Erangle and Miramar are considered as biggest maps among others it will give you better points that are essential for achieving the Conqueror title.

How many points are needed to get Conqueror PUBG Mobile title?

The points needed to reach the conqueror tier are not fixed. Once touching ACE with 4200 points then the actual journey for reaching Conqueror begins. ACE Tier is also divided into three stars which are bronze, silver, gold. After collecting the first 100 points you will be awarded a bronze star and after completing 500 points you will get a silver star. And Once you get the gold star then you are more likely to get Conqueror tittle in Pubg.

How to Reach Conqueror in One Day?

Well, becoming a conqueror PUBG player is not so easy as it seems.

And doing it in just one day is next to impossible. However, it is only possible by finding a player who offers paid rank pushing services.

How to reach Conqueror in One Week?

Try to start pushing rank only at beginning of any season as it will increase the chance of getting the conqueror title.

Try to take damage and heal up as it will give you extra points.


Also Read: Top 5 Mistakes that every Pubg Player should avoid

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